Hanumant Aashram Foundation


Mr. Ram Sajeevan Verma

Head Consultant

Mr. Jitendra Singh

Honarable Director

Mr. Shusheel Kumar

Vice Consultant

Mr. Harivansh Verma

Vice Consultant

Mr. Ram Singh

Advisory Manager

Mr. Ram Kishoor Ravat

Food and Beverage Manager

Mo. ayaan Hasan

Media Manager

Mr. Satyam Patel

Community Manager

Mineceff Agency

Digital Manager

Other Members

Mr. Sunil Kumar

Mr. Gurdeep Singh

|| पर हित सरिस धर्म नहिं भाई, पर पीड़ा सम नहिं अधमाई ||

— Goswami Tulsi Das Ji

Join Our Mission

The Hanumant Aashram Foundation is not just an organization; it is a movement inspired by the harmony of devotion and social responsibility. We invite all those who share our vision to come together and contribute to making the world a better place through noble actions.

Your participation, whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading awareness, can have a profound impact on the lives of countless individuals. Let us unite devotion and compassion to create a more inclusive, harmonious, and kind society.

Thank you for being a part of the Hanumant Aashram Foundation’s journey to empower devotion for the welfare of society. Together, we can create a world where compassion and unity bring about positive change and elevate humanity as a whole.